投げ縄塗りで楽に描く背景講座!【CLIP STUDIO】【クリップスタジオ】

[投げ縄塗り]ツールを使って描ける簡単な背景の描き方講座です。 線画の代わりにフチシルエットを[投げ縄塗り]で描く事で、いろんな作業を効率化出来ます。 This is a course on how to draw easy backgrounds that can be drawn using the [Lasso Fill] tool. By using the Lasso Fill tool instead of line drawings, you can streamline your work in many ways. Thanks for watching my video! I’m sorry about the subtitles...! Please wait a few days for subtitles in English and other languages. I’m in as much of a hurry as possible. Until subtitles are available, I hope you will read t
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