Solo 1 Phase Duality Dungeon Bosses [Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph]
Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph - Solo One Phase Both Duality Dungeon Boss Fights / Solo One Phase Gahlran & Solo One Phase Caiatl. Just a quick video showing a solo 1 phase for both of the Duality dungeon bosses. Details below.
00:00 - Solo 1 Phase Nightmare of Gahlran
04:18 - Solo 1 Phase Nightmare of Caiatl
It seems that for these videos I’m to have one decent boss fight, and one that’s in absolute shambles. Gahlran was alright, but Caiatl went very poorly. Both due to weird animations on the boss throwing the head around, the second Incendior running into the barricade which I wasn’t expecting, it went horribly. Regardless, with all that going wrong it still goes to show just how strong the Solo Operative is for doing these.
Gahlran I used the Synthoceps glitch which probably isn’t even needed to get the one phase anyway. I’m unsure if you need to equip Synthoceps as I did in this run, but it wasn’t properly working unless I equipped it out of range
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1 month ago 00:03:48 2
Тесто Бесподобное Мой ФАВОРИТ среди ПИРОГОВ, я готова печь его каждый день! Рыбный манник!
1 month ago 00:02:25 1
Как вкусно потушить капусту с мясом, чтобы все были в восторге