WTCI-329-I-#24 -- CNN -- R10 -- NIST FOIA #09-42

Video tape: “CNN NIST Dub #24 - Bery - 5 CNN NY Tapes“. Playlist for NIST FOIA #09-42, Release 10: Videographer: Robert Bery/Amateur videographer on bycicle. View on WTC from: Northeast Camera Location: Mostly on West Broadway between Chambers Street and Reade Street. Seems to be more complete but disjointed footage than compared to the version in the first section of “CNN NIST Dub #4“ tape (). Source of FOIA file: Folder: International_Center_for_911_Studies_NIST_FOIA 1st Lv. Subfolder: Release_10 2nd Lv. Subfolder: Release 10 3rd Lv. Subfolder: CNN Video file: WTCI-329-I-# File size: 673 MB Direct source tape used for the WMV file: Tape_ID: 566 Video_ID: 258 Tape_Name: “CNN NIST Dub #24 - Bery - 5 CNN NY Tapes“ Tape_Source: Val Junker Video_title: “CNN NIST Dub #24 - Bery - 5 CNN NY Tapes“ Network: CNN Broadcast_date: [blank] Copy: 1 Derived_from: 0 [Tape ID, 0 = Tape is NIST’s 1st copy.] Format: mini-DV Duration (min): 47 Subje
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