Trocquer And Maginot (1923)

Minister of Public Works (?) le Trocquer & Minister of War Andre Maginot inspect coal mines in Ruhr; during French occupation of that region of Germany; 1923. Germany. Wide shot workers walking across open space; freight train sitting on track at foot of a big; long pile of rocks. Workers shovelling rocks (coal; presumably) / a conveyor belt carrying coal upwards to dump it into something. Group of men in suits; coats; hats standing together; train pulling out in background. 2 workers shovel rocks onto the conveyor belt. Visiting group watching workers while talking to French soldier. Brief shot man working. Le Trocquer; Maginot; etc. stand by railway tracks with giant rock pile at left. Next wide shot train passing at different location; in city with buildings; smoke stacks in background. Shots of group walking between train tracks. Titles in French say trains transport merchandise to non-occupied Germany; while trucks secretly bring deutsche marks. Shots of the French looking at carriages; then opening b
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