Fyodor Biryuchev - By the Sea (Full album)

00:00 By the sea 4:37 Serenade 6:50 Story 10:56 Into the night 13:50 Forever 14:55 Memories 18:23 Time 22:11 Farewell 25:19 New way 27:56 To be Download new album “By the Sea“ Apple Music - Google Play - Fyodor Biryuchev is a Russian pianist and composer, recipient of international awards, among which is I degree laureate of an International art festival (Ferriere, Italy). Fyodor is one of the most outstanding representatives of contemporary classical music in Russiа. He is an extremely interesting figure in the context of modern music culture. Fyodor Biryuchev works in style which is called contemporary classical, it combines melodiousness and fleshpots of classics with a freedom of expression and simplicity in perception of modern music. The second album “By The Sea” is a new stage in the composer’s work. In his new record, the author refers to the sea as a phenomenon that is closely an
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