Debussy: Syrinx for solo flute, Emi Ferguson, historical flute 8K
Claude Debussy’s masterpiece for solo flute, Syrinx, performed by world renowned flutist Emi Ferguson on a historical flute made by Louis Lot in Paris in 1879. The design of the original flute lends the work a unique and transparent sound. Syrinx is filmed for the first time in 8K video, on a period instrument, with an ambisonics microphone.
Debussy dedicated the piece to the flutist Louis Fleury, for him to play during the interval of one of Debussy’s ballets. Syrinx is the first significant piece for solo flute after the Sonata in A minor composed by C. P. E. Bach over 150 years before (1747), and it is the first such solo composition for the modern Böhm flute, developed in 1847. Syrinx was written as part of incidental music to the play Psyché by Gabriel Mourey, and was originally called “Flûte de Pan“. It was given its final name in reference to the myth of the amorous pursuit of the nymph Syrinx by the god Pan, in which Pan falls in love with Syrinx. Syrinx, however, d
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