Gekata Moraii (Producer set) - Neon Bass by Skazka 15/12/23 | Symbiont Black Records

Producer set записанный на мероприятии “Neon Bass“. от фестиваля Сказка Вечеринка прошла в стенах пространства Aglomerat, где команда Symbiont Black Records представила свой шоу кейс ----------------------------- Producer set recorded at the “Neon Bass“ event. from the Fairy Tale festival 12/15/23 The party took place within the walls of the Aglomerat space, where the Symbiont Black Records team presented their show case ------------------------------ Gekata Moraii - Symbiont Black Records - #skazka #skazkafestival #neonbass #aglomerat #dj #music #party #club #dance #technomusic #techno #night #weekend #festival #electronicmusic #pioneer #pioneerdj #minimaltechno #electro #melodictechno #djmix
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