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Liverpool, Merseyside.
MV. Footballer Leslie Compton (Arsenal) putting, pan to ball missing hole. MV. Leslie Compton practice swinging. SV. Cricketer and footballer Denis Compton (Arsenal) driving. MV. Denis Compton exploding from bunker to green. MV. Denis Compton putting, pan to ball missing hole. MV. Footballer Tommy Woodward (Bolton) putting, pan to ball missing hole. MV. Footballer Aubrey Powell (Everton) playing from rough to green. SV. Footballer Phil Taylor (Liverpool) playing from rough. SV. Vallence (Arsenal) searching for ball. SV. Vallence finds ball. MV. Johny Carey (Manchester United) driving. CU. Ian McPherson (Arsenal) and McInnes (Liverpool) signing scorecard. SV. McPherson (Arsenal) and McInnes walking to next hole together. MV. McInnes (Liverpool) playing from rough to green. CU. Ball missing hole. CU. Joe Mercer (Arsenal) putting. SV. Arthur Drewry presenting Cup to Bill Hayes (Huddersfield) - two shots.