Bend over and twist your spine

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. 1. Relieve lower back pain. 2. Relieve numbness and pain in the hips and legs. 3. Relieve stiffness and pain in the neck and shoulders. 9-15 times each side This is a full-body exercise that can stretch to every joint of the body, and if you practice it regularly, you will have great flexibility, balance, and keep your body light and strong. If you have stiffness and pain in multiple areas, especially neck, shoulders, back (including spine), hips, legs, etc., it is recommended that you start this exercise. The action is a little difficult, pay attention to the extent of the stretch, do not strain or fall. It also improves blood circulation and metabolism, which helps keep you in good shape. Of course, the effect of one movement is limited, if you need better practice results, it is recommended to start with a daily full- body exercise, a combination of 37 movements, 1 hour a day, it can improve the health of your entire system, which is the most simple and effective way. #wudang #taichi #qigong #ancientselfcare #health #chineseculture #tcm #heathylifestyle #exercise #stretching #relax #meridian #foryou #backpain #lowerbackpain #neckpain #shoulders #hips #legs #pain
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