Luigi Nono - Prometeo. Tragedia dell’ascolto - Isola Secunda b) HÖLDERLIN (4/11)

Prometeo. Tragedia dell’ascolto [1981/1985] for singers, speakers, chorus, solo strings, solo winds, glasses, orchestral groups, and live electronics Arrangement of texts by Massimo Cacciari Col Legno 2003, live in Freiburg soprano: Petra Hoffmann, Monika Bair-Ivenz, alto: Susanne Otto, Noa Frenkel, tenor: Hubert Mayer, speakers: Sigrun Schell, Gregor Dalal Freiburg Soloists’ Choir, ensemble recherche, Soloists’ Ensembles of the Freiburg Philharmonic and SWR Symphony Orchestras, Experimental
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