Inner Peace (1hr) - Healing Frequency - Heart Chakra Opening - Creating Space For Divine Love
It’s hard to describe with words the depth of love we feel for all of you, who have chosen to listen to our frequency, and for all beings on this earth. We hope you can feel it through our work, WE LOVE YOU, WE LOVE I, WE ARE ALL LOVE. Together let us open our hearts allowing the divine love to flow freely through us. Breathe deep, in through the nose out through the mouth. Feel your warm glowing heart centre. Begin first to spread that powerful glowing love through your entire body with every breath. You can then begin to allow your heart’s light to grow into a sphere around you, filling your space and emanating beyond, connecting to the love of all things, the love of divine spirit, the love of the Universe and beyond.
The Singing In This Video Is Purley Intuitive, A Channelled Sound Healing Activation, Alongside An Original Composed Piece by Chantress Seba.
Follow the links connected to our channel for all things Chantress Seba
Gemini and Finn
I and I
#peace #heart #space #innerpeace #heartchakra #thirdeye #thirdeyechakra #chakra #deep #deepenergycleanse #energycleanse #letgo #motherearth #grounding #mantra #ancestors #reiki #reikimusic #massage #massagemusic #frequency #frequencymusic #channeling #soundhealing #relaxingmusic #healingmusic #peaceful #meditation #relaxation #shamanicmusic #soundmeditation #soundtherapy #soundbath #meditationmusic #improvisation #calm #harmony #yoga #yogamusic #spiritualmusic #innerjourney #astraltravel #livemeditation #calmingmusic #intuitive Music #relaxation #antistressmusic #shamanicmusic #soundhealing #soundbath
#sleepmusic #deepsleep #deepmeditation #SpiritWorkMusic
#lightworker #lightlanguage #activation #asmr #medicinemusic
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