Shell Shocked Official Trailer

Summary: When John Watson comes back from the war in Afghanistan he’s traumatized and lonely. Until he meets Sherlock Holmes. They become flatmates and best friends but soon John has to find out that something is seriously wrong with his new found friend. Reblog on tumblr? The fanfiction by bambionice is work in progress. I’m gonna post a link when the first chapter is up and I’ll also inform you on my blog. A post on tumblr gave me the idea to do this and I completely fell in love with the concept. First I thought that this idea couldn’t be made into a trailer but - well - you all know how much I love a challenge. ;-) And if you think about it, Sherlock being a figurement of John’s imagination really would explain a lot of things: why Sherlock never eats anything, why Mrs Hudson asks John if he needs two bedrooms, how Sherlock survived the fall *trollface* etc. etc.
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