Mas-Wrestling World Absolute Championship - 2019. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The total number of participants is 41 athletes from 41 countries from 5 continents. Final Ranking 1. Sylka Oleh - Ukraine 2. Frolkin Sergey - Russia 3. Feyziyev Jamal - Azerbaijan 3. Antanas Abrutis - Lithuania 5. Ataibek Uulu Keldibek - Kyrgyzstan 6. Ángulo Jaime Manuel Luis - Chile 7. Gevaerd Nort Ricardo - Brasil 8. Stroozas Jr Michael Richard - United States of America 9. Juhasz Dominik David - Hungary 10. Bryson Thomas James - Canada 11. Steiner Filip - Czech Republic 12. Lindtoft Mikael Mi
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