DANILA/RU Just Party Minimal House Mix in VRChat
First performance in virtual reality. It was a special Just Party event with Calibrate dancers.
00:01:46 - Sen started dancing
00:05:47 - some VFX effects on the general view
00:12:10 - Apow started dancing
00:20:43 - Katyusha117 started dancing
00:28:50 - Just Party logo in frame
00:34:00 - dance floor
00:41:07 - some VFX effects on the general view
00:51:07 - ZeroAI started dancing (VFX effects)
00:53:22 - some VFX effects
00:55:21 - some VFX effects on the general view, dance floor
00:56:34 - Sen & ZeroAI dancing (everybody come on!)
...:00:20 - Lyxelle started dancing
01:01:54 - some VFX effects
01:06:06 - dance floor
01:07:28 - dance floor cheers!
01:09:39 - some VFX effects with Sen
01:14:01 - dance floor
01:21:41 - Katyusha117 started dancing (VFX effects)
Full body tracking in virtual reality is made possible through the use of technological devices which are attached to the feet and the hands of the user, which enables the tracking of their position in the space.Show more