273. PHENOMENAL!! Fluid Art Bloom Technique with AMAZING colors!! / sheleeart / art channel
#fluidart #paintpouring #sheleeart
Hi everybody! I“m back and chatty as ever! I started this fluid art painting with one idea in mind, but fell in love with the color combination that I changed direction to take advantage of the inspiration. When inspiration strikes you have to go for it! Your original idea will still be there for another day! I had SO much fun making these--I got to pour paint again (bloom technique) on the Fredrix Convexo canvases! Longer video too since I do three pours in one! Hope you enjoy watching as much as I did creating. Thanks for tuning in, and please subscribe if you haven’t already! TA-DA!!! See the Time Stamps below to re-watch your favorite parts, and remember: colors, brands, recipe and ratios will appear on the screen at the end of the video so you can screenshot it!
I am a SheleeArt affiliate—highly recommend her course on creating blooms. Sign up for the SheleeArt course today and receive a 15%
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1 year ago 00:36:08 1
273. PHENOMENAL!! Fluid Art Bloom Technique with AMAZING colors!! / sheleeart / art channel
3 years ago 00:52:37 5
Jeff Lynne’s ELO - Face the Music (FULL Album 1975) Remastered + 4 Bonus Tracks.