boron trifluoride ≥99 6% supplier from China. Dadge Chemical.

Please online: Industrial grade boron trifluoride gas is mainly used in the petroleum resin and lithium battery industry. BoronTrifluoride (BF3) is a non-flammable compressed gas that is used as an acidic catalyst or co-catalyst in a varying array of organic synthesis reactions. It is one of the strongest Lewis acids (an electron-pair acceptor) reacting readily with chemicals containing oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and other electron-pair donors. Boron Trifluoride (BF3) can be found in several applications. As a strong Lewis acid, BF3’s catalytic properties are used for such reactions as alkylation of aromatic hydrocarbons, polymerization of phenolic and epoxy resins as well as other isomerization, esterification, and condensation reactions. It is used as a source for the manufacture of high-purity boron isotopes such as those found in nuclear waste containment and neutron radiation control applications as well as applicatio
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