225: Sensen Studio River Scene Set B (Diabloceratops Medusaceratops Spiclypeus) Review
For Part 2 of my New Year 2023 Special, I present the incredible Set B from Sensen Studio’s River Scene Diorama. We’ve seen in Set A how nicely sculpted and painted the Avaceratops were, and now Sensen Studio brings that to bear on a set that includes Diabloceratops, Medusaceratops and Spiclypeus!
2022 was a struggle for many, and I hope that 2023 will be a year of emergence from that. These dinosaurs symbolize that for me. I love this set for the realism, which is achieved by amazing sculpt work and beautiful paint application, even for the tiny babies. But it depicts something that happens in life: Life itself. Trials and tribulations, they are always there to challenge us. So Life will always be a constant struggle. But strive and struggle we must, if we ever hope to reach safe shores again.
Happy 2023 to all of you!
#Sensen #DinosDragons #Avaceratops #Diabloceratops #Medusaceratops #Spiclypeus #JudithRiverFormation #River #Dinosaurdrowning #ceratopsians #Triceratop
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225: Sensen Studio River Scene Set B (Diabloceratops Medusaceratops Spiclypeus) Review