Record snowpocalypse buried New York: how it’s been

Overview of weather and natural events around the World. What is happening in this world: natural disasters on the planet of Earth. The latest news about weather events and disasters. Become a channel sponsor and you will get access to exclusive bonuses. More: A winter storm of unprecedented scale covered the northeastern United States a week ago. In the western part of the state of New York, more than 2 meters of snow fell in a day, which became an absolute record in the history of observations. Entire neighborhoods were cut off from the outside world, thousands of state residents needed the help of emergency services. In Hamburg alone, at least 77 inches of snow fell, with an estimated 66 inches falling in just 24 hours, setting an all-time New York state record. Due to unprecedented snowfalls in the state of New York, a state of emergency has been declared. People were blocked in their own homes: they had to manually
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