Bock Saga - Who In The Hel Is Ior Bock (2018) [DOC, ENG]

Ior Bock - great story-teller. Who was he actually? The documentary is an attempt to look into the life of the amazing man and an attempt to understand him better. Told through some of the many friends of Ior Bock, even those who were with him in the last few moments of his life. We dedicate this film to the memory of Ior and to all of his many friends. The Bock Saga or Väinämöinen-mythology has been meticulously transferred as an oral tradition from generation to generation within the Bock Family in Finland and has until now never been written down. In 1984, Ior Bock as the last member of this family had the right to present the saga to the outside. The material that we like to present here is an introduction into some of the aspects and dimensions of the SAGA which shed a new light on culture and history. Historical, linguistical, mathematical and mythological studies plus the archeological excavations are confirming the information given by Ior Bock. In this documentation
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