Every Marceline Song Ever | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

Listen to the entire Adventure Time Series Soundtrack on Spotify or download today on iTunes All of Marceline’s memorable tunes, in one place! Which one is your favorite? Adventure Time Main Title - Stakes Fries - It came from the Nightosphere Remember you - I Remember You I’m just your problem - What was Missing Everything Stays - Stakes Pt. 8 The Dark Cloud Remembering Memories - Stakes Pt. 4: The Empress Eyes Love in its Place - Stakes Pt. 6: Take Her Back Was it Reality - Stakes Pt. 8 The Dark Cloud Fisherman - Henchman Not just your little girl - Daddy’s little Monster Yeah Girl, It Stinks - Astral Plane Flower Body - Beyond the Grotto Francis Forever - The Music Hole Slow Dance - Marcy & Hunson You don’t need a pill to be chill - Ketchup It’s Spring Again - Stakes Pt. 6: Take Her Back Bonbon Ballad - Elements Pt. 8: Skyhooks II SUBSCRIBE: http://car
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