Animated short, featuring Yo-Yo Ma on cello. Narrated by Keith Boynton, animated by Ira Baker. Written, drawn, and directed by Sandra Boynton.
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Two beloved artists come together for JUNGLE NIGHT, a soothing (well, MOSTLY soothing) bedtime story and instrumental lullaby. The small animated film begins with a narration of Boynton’s Jungle Night book, with all the animal snores interpreted by the expressive and playful cello of Yo-Yo Ma. He even does the elephant’s stop-the-show snore—though admittedly that took Ma’s cello PLUS the horn salute of the James R. Barker Great Lakes steamship. The reading is followed by “Jungle Gymnopédie No. 1“, a polyrhythmic jungly arrangement by Boynton of Erik Satie’s renowned and beloved piece. “Yo-Yo and I chose this piece because it’s the most gorgeous and mesmerizing night song imaginable,“ she explains. “And there was surely nothing else
31 view
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