L’AUTRE VALSE D’AMELIE (Yann Tiersen) - music sheet & piano execution #YannTiersen #piano
Sync License Music from Shockwave-Sound
L’AUTRE VALSE D’AMELIE (Yann Tiersen) - music sheet & piano execution #yanntiersen #autrevalsedamelie #pianocollection @YannTiersen
Do you like listening good music? Let me suggest a series of Spotify and AppleMusic playlists (jazz music, covers, piano solo, jazz-fusion, world jazz, ambient & more) that I personally take care of and update weekly. Feel free to listen and follow these playlists, I’m sure you’ll find right playlist for you!
INTIMATE PIANO SOLO (Spotify Playlist) - Best neo-classical piano solo collection of very intimate musical impressions performed on piano. Just original music by various authors. Good sounds to relax, to dream, to study, to sleep
IT’S TIME TO DREAM (Spotify Playlist) - In this playlist I have collected a series of songs that I love and to which I am emotionally li