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This video teaches you some easy baby massage techniques that you can use on your baby to help with abdominal discomfort. This is the perfect baby massage for constipation and it can help your baby poop fast. I used this baby massage for colic when my baby girl had discomfort digesting her milk after feeding. I also used this baby massage for wind and gas as my daughter was very gassy! Infant massage can be so useful and you don’t need to do anything complicated. Every single time I did newborn baby massage strokes on my daughter she was more settled, cried far less and slept much better. So if you have a constipated baby or have been googling ’baby massage for newborns’, ’baby massage for gas relief’ or whatever the tummy trouble is, this video will help!
Here are some tips to help you try baby massage at home:
- There are no strict guidelines about when to begin baby massage. Many women begin baby massage when their babies are newborn but some women start when there baby is 6 weeks old and able to deal with more stimuli.
-Choose a time when your baby is content and alert (not tired or hungry), and interested in what’s going on around them. This makes it more likely that they’ll be ready to interact with you.
-Try sitting on the floor, bed or sofa, with your baby safely on a towel or yoga mat in front of you.
-Find a position that’s comfortable, gives you good eye contact with no overhead lights and where your baby is warm.
-It’s up to you whether your child is nappy-free, but it can help to at least loosen their nappy when massaging the tummy.
-It can be a nice idea to introduce a massage after bath and before bed as part of a bedtime wind-down.
How to give your baby a massage:
Before beginning ’ask permission’ by rubbing a little oil between your hands near your baby’s ears, and ask ’can I give you a massage?’ This may sound a little strange but your child will become familiar with this cue and know that massage is about to start. It also gives your baby a chance to let you know if they don’t feel like a massage.
I will bring out some more videos on baby massage soon so watch this space!
Love, Anja xxx
All information and content in this video, including the video description and any information that I post in the comments as a response to any questions I may receive, is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute psychological, medical or health-related advice of any kind. I do not warrant that the information in this video, in the video description or in the responses, is free of any errors or omissions. I neither provide any medical services nor any services related to health care and / or nutrition to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any kind of medical condition or physical ailment. Where I use examples of how certain tips and tools from my video have helped me and other people, I do not imply that these tips and tools will work for you in the same way.
I do my best to provide accurate general information. However, the information in this video, including the information in the video description, as well as the information that I may provide in the comments as response to any questions that I may receive from viewers, is not intended to and does not substitute any kind of professional advice. You should not rely solely on this information.
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