coolplas 3 handles video

This is a fat cooler coolplas. Fat cooling is a treatment that cools the surface of the skin to about 4°C. After cooling, the fat cells die and are excreted as waste. It will not adversely affect tissues such as skin, muscles and blood vessels. The effect is estimated to be sustainable in 2-5 years. It can be applied to various parts of thigh, abdomen, calf, upper arm, facial line and so on. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us ①No harm to the body ② Difficult to rebound ③ It can be thinned locally DM me for more info Sarah 008613520686179 sarah@ #beautyleg#slimming arm#Suction fat#Suction#Alcohol#30s Diet#40s Diet#Partial Weight Loss#beauty Salon#coolslimming#cavitation#Hypermax body #trainning#Diet #Fat Cooling Slimming #Partialbodycontouring#Partial Slimming #slimming #Upper Arm Slimming
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