George Clanton - Slide [Full Album]

Slide by George Clanton He wears his heart on his sleeve, whether it’s on the blatantly romantic first single “Make It Forever,” or in his unwavering embrace of inspirations like Seal and 311, to the chagrin of some people in the electronic music community. Music policing and ironic affectation is a cop-out; a side-effect of toxic masculinity and its infiltration of music subcultures. That’s why George has become somewhat of an underground hero – he maintains a fun-filled approach to music-making and performance while remaining devoted to his art. Slide progresses like its name suggests, with recurring melodies tying the songs together. George describes the album as “a vaporwave opera.” It’s another result of him letting go of expectations — this time that each song should be completely distinct and sound totally different from the other. “If I find a sound that I really like, I want to use it as often as it makes sense — it’s almost a waste to use it once and then forget about it,
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