Second single “Tangerine“ from the debut album “Cooking Time“ by OLUMA.
Album Release: 5th of April, 24’ on One World Records.
with /
Gregor Nicolai - bass, comp
André van der Heide - drums, comp
Roman Polatzky - alto sax, comp
Henrik Baumgarten - baritone sax
Luke Strange - trumpet
Gregor Littke - trombone
Valentin Mühlberger - keys
Mauricio Vivas - guitar
Fernando Reis - conga, percussions
Camera by Jascha Haase
Video by André van der Heide & Gregor Nicolai
Recorded & mixed by Umberto Echo
Mastered by Tom Leader
Thanks to Castle Studios
Supported by the Initiative Musik gemeinnützige Projektgesellschaft gGmbH with
project funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
c 2024 One World Records
5 months ago 00:25:40 1
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