Teutoburg (Ancient Germania Music - The Battle of Teutoburg Forest)

Composed by Tyler Cunningham The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, (Autumn, 9 ce), was a conflict between the Roman Empire and Germanic insurgents. The Germanic leader Arminius organized a series of ambushes on a column of three Roman legions headed by Publius Quinctilius Varus. Roman sources indicate that over the course of four days Arminius destroyed all three legions and ultimately prevented Rome from subjugating Germania east of the Rhine River. All artwork and images are owned by their respective artist and owners. Need music for your game or project? Leave a comment, contact me here o...r on any of my social media. More Music Bandcamp: Soundcloud: Spotify: Twitter: Unity Asset Store: Music Making Gear: Ancient History T-shirts:=w_bl_sl_s_ap_web_7141123011?ie=UTF8&node=7141123011&field-brandtextbin=Warlord Apparel Thumbnail: Tyler Cunningham #Teutoburg #Germania #AncientMusic
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