장근석, 역적 최진호와 손잡나… 형제의 전쟁 ‘본격화’ 《The Royal Gambler》 대박 EP19

The Royal Gambler 대박 EP19 20160530 SBS Jeon Kwang Ryul(Lee In Jwa) kills Lee Hwon(Yeonryeong prince) with full of vengeance and says “Don’t blame me. You should blame Choi Min Soo(King Sukjong) for this“. 장근석(백대길)은 자신을 왕으로 만들 계획을 가진 최진호(정희량)와 대화를 나누며 고민에 빠졌다. SBS Korean fusion historical drama ’The Royal Gambler’ stories about fateful fight between forgotten prince Dae-Gil(Jang Geun Suk) and his brother YoungJo(Yeo Jin Goo) who’s not allowed to be king. ’The Royal Gambler’ features about all action, gamb
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