5 Minutes Ago: Tucker Carlson Shared Shocking Information in Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes Ago: Tucker Carlson Shared Shocking Information in Exclusive Interview
Tucker Carlson: “No one is punished for lying. People are only punished for telling the truth. But I did think, well, maybe the upside, this, Ashley Babbitt’s clearly in retrospect a whore. You know, it’ll amount to something. We can have a national conversation about this. And I’m completely for national conversations. But every year they promise us a national conversation. Well, in race, we need a conversation. OK, shut up. OK, national conversation means no one’s allowed to talk except the people who called for the national conversation. And they never stop talking. Anyway, we never had any conversation about that. In fact, anyone who tried was de-platformed, de-banked, basically hounded out of public life in America, bankrupted. A lot of cases put in jail. We never, not only do we not have that conversation, that conversation was literally banned. Now, it’s in the guidelines of most of the big social media companies. You can’t have that conversation. So I would just I would make a couple of points. And the most obvious one is any country that doesn’t allow a free discussion of the process by which its leaders are elected is not a democracy. By definition, a country without free speech is not a democracy. Free speech is a prerequisite to democracy. You can’t have it without it. You can’t have a dinner party without dinner. You can’t have a democracy without free speech, period. So there’s that.“
Discussed in this video:
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