Unissued / unused material - location and date unclear or unknown.
Monsieur Marius Moutet, member of the French cabinet, heads a mission to Indo China / Vietnam in an attempt to settle the strife there.
MS Passengers seated inside the Air liner. CU Moutet looking out of the plane window. LS Aerial view of the countryside as the plane passes over. The temple of Ankhor can be seen amid the scrubby landscape. VS other aerial views.
VS Moutet is greeted upon arrival by Thierry D’Argenliev CU of D’Argenliev. LS They inspect a French guard of honour at the airfield. CU Moutet, D’Argenliev and M Hoah, President of the Provisional Government of Indo China at a reception in the Governor’s Palace. CU head and shoulders of Moutet. VS General Jaques Leclerc arriving at Saigon. LS He inspects troops and chats to officers. LS the Governors Palace at Saigon with troops paraded in the grounds. MS Inside Leclerc is greeted by Moutet and Admiral Auboyneau.
LS A street in Indo China, taken from a fast moving car.