Everyday Yoga - Full Body Stretch & Tension Relief | 20-Min Yoga Class

De-stress and relieve overall tension with this calm, 20-minute full body hatha yoga class. Enjoy a slow flow to physically help open up your body from head to toe, and to mentally help quiet your mind. All levels welcome. The class starts grounded in child’s pose to connect with the breath. We’ll move into a child’s to cobra flow to open up the hips, spine and chest. Stretch the lower body through a toe/ankle stretch and downward dog. The sequence continues into standing side body stretches and a standing forward fold with a deep shoulder stretch. Other postures included are runners lunge, high lunge, pyramid with a bind, warrior II, reverse warrior, triangle, wide legged forward fold twist, yogi squat and seated neck stretches. This class can be practiced any time of day and does not contain music. See you on the mat! x Jess PS-- This class is a part of the Jess Yoga App Library, which includes over 330 classes, courses and challenges. Be sure to
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