Today Prime Minister Pashinyan gave a 4 hour explanation in Yerevan of the current situation regarding Armenia and the 2 urgent problems we face.
1 is that Azerbaijan continues to occupy parts of Armenia, they have troops inside our borders, and
2 Azerbaijan is still blockading the 120,000 Christian Armenians in Artsakh, the situation is dire as the people are running out of food. The whole world is watching while the Muslim Azerbaijani government slowly kills our people in Artsakh and occupies territory inside Armenia.
How can Armenia participate in joint military drills with Russia at this time, when Russian peacekeepers who control the border with Azerbaijan refuse to kick the Azerbaijani army out of Armenia and they won’t lift a finger to stop the blockade against 120,000 civilians who are in danger of being slaughtered?
Armenia has a joint military agreement with Russia which says they will send troops to defend Armenia if a enemy attacks Armenia.
When Azerbaijan killed 5
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2 years ago 00:09:12 1
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