Prajnaparamita Hridaya Sutra(Heart Sutra)/ Sherab Nyingpo prayer

The video presents the Prajnaparamita Hridaya or Heart Sutra in Tibetan/Chokey vocals with English subtitles. The sutra is a Twenty-Five Verses of the Perfection of Wisdom. Prajnaparamita means ’Perfection of Wisdom’, or more literally ‘transcendent wisdom’. Prajnaparamita Hridaya Sutra or the Heart Sutra is the quintessential Prajnaparamita sutra, which contains the innermost essence of them all (Prajnaparamita sutras consists of one hundred thousand verses sutra,twenty-five thousand verses sutra, eighteen thousand verses sutra, ten thousand verses sutra, eight thousand verses sutra & an abbreviated version of eight thousand verses sutra). This happen to be the quintessence of all Mahayana sutras; wisdom of Lord Buddha personified. Reciting the heart sutra has tremendous benefits for oneself and it leads to the accumulation of merit as it equivalents to recitation of the entire teaching of Lord Buddha.
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