Add GPIO to any PC or laptop running Windows, Linux or macOS using an Adafruit FT232H USB breakout board. Here we set things up, control some LEDs using Python code, and then communicate over I2C with a BME280 temperature, pressure and humidity sensor.
The Bmax B1 Plus video I refer to is here:
The Adafruit FT232H GPIO breakout is available from many retailers including:
Adafruit (US):
Pimoroni (UK):
Note that the above Amazon URLs are affiliate links from which I earn a commission.
Adafruit’s excellent setup instructions for their FT232H breakout are here:
You can download my LED test code here:
And my final BME280 code that writes data to a spreadsheet is here:
Note that the above BME280 code expects to find a spreadsheet called in the folder Python_Code -- you will need to edit the code to point it to whatever location you put this file in. A blank spreadsheet can be found at:
More information on using openpyxl to store sensor readings (or any other data) in a spreadsheet using Python is contain in my Raspberry Pi Weather Station video:
The exact BME280 sensor used in the video is available from Pimoroni here:
Note that, as mentioned in the video, to use the above Pimoroni sensor with the Adafruit CircuitPython library, you will need to edit the file called found in the adafruit_bme280 folder to change the I2C address from 0x77 to 0x76 (or you could cut the connection on the top of the BME280 module to change its address to 0x77). If you use an Adafruit BME280 module, then this change is not needed. :)
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00:00 Introduction
01:05 GPIO Options
05:29 Setup
22:33 LEDs Test
14:22 Sensor Readings (BME280)
18:27 Wrap
#GPIO #FH232H #Adafruit #explainingcomputers
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