Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider - 100% S-Rank Playthrough (No Deaths)

Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider is a new side-scrolling action platformer from JoyMasher, the creators of Blazing Chrome, Oniken, and Odallus. It will be available on January 12th on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Amazon Luna for $. I enjoyed Blazing Chrome a lot, but there’s no doubt, Moonrider is my favorite game from these guys so far. It’s great, and it kicks 2023 off with a bang. Thanks to Andy at Streamforge for the key! This is a complete playthrough of the game, where I collect all of the hidden chips, and finish each stage with an S-rank. The requirements for each rank aren’t totally clear, but basically, you just have to finish the stage fairly quick and not die. Damage taken doesn’t matter, and score doesn’t seem to either. Most of the times are pretty easy to reach, but I did have to hustle a bit on Asura’s Fleet and the final stage. Most of the special weapons you gain from each boss are quite good, but I think the te
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