Lamb Tas Kebab Recipe #shorts #turkishfood #turkishrecipes #lambkebabs #lambrecipes #roastingsheep

Hello, you are watching the short video of the lamb tas kebab recipe. I use 1 whole lamb leg parts I prepare boiling water to wash the meat after cutting it into cubes. bay leaf and thyme I add the lamb meat and take it out of the water after 10 minutes. finely chopped onions liquid oil After the oil heats up, I add the meat and fry it. garlic sugar salt cumin thyme black pepper and bouillon I add boiling water and cook for 1.5 hours. I dice green peppers and potatoes I’m frying potatoes I add the trade secret I add the meat to the baking tray. I add the potatoes I fried on top. I roast it in the oven for 15 minutes. I serve it with rice pilaf. For more detailed descriptions of the videos, visit Chef Salim YouTube channel ➤ Food Discoveries With Chef Salim / My other Youtube Channel ➤ Facebook: ➤ Instagram:
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