☆4 Archer Saika Magoichi
Artist: shirabii
CV: Naomi Oozora
Welfare for this event, but currently not obtainable yet due to timelock.
Noble Phantasm:
Gun God - Yatagarasu
Increases Magoichi’s Quick and Buster performance for 1 turn (effects increase with Overcharge) before dealing ST damage and lowering the target’s crit chance for 3 turns
Eye of the Yatagarasu B
Grants Magoichi sure hit for 3 turns before raising every ally’s crit damage for 3 turns and granting a large amount of stars
Saika-Style Iai Gunmanship A
Increases Magoichi’s Quick and Buster performance in addition to he
...r crit damage for 3 turns
Firefly’s Light B
Grants Magoichi a one-turn evasion while applying taunt to her for 1 turn, granting her increased NP gen when she receives damage for 1 turn and charging her NP gauge
Translation by Konchew
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