
- Better quality! This is a clip from the film “Dancer in the Dark“ the execution of the woman through hanging, where the song is sang by unique artist Bjork. In the scene of execution there is no music and singer sings vocally only, I changed proceeding by adding music from different samples, which are used for the game “Far Cry“, and also altered the voice with three-dimentional sound effect. I left black and white colors (shades) in different parts, so one can feel the mood and emotions of the main character Selma, who is blind. In addition to that I made the Graphic effect in the end of the scene in 3DsMax. “DancerInTheDark“ по фильму “Dancer In The Dark“(Танцующая в темноте) казнь женщины через повешенье, которая поёт в исполнении неповторимой певицы Бьёрк. В сцене казни нет музыки и певица поёт в живую, преобразив происходящее сделал музыку из сэмплов которые использовались для игры “Far Cry“, добавив голосу эффекта простр
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