Мискриты 2024 Обзор версии

Изменения в текущей версии: now Rare Hydroseal Ability - Freak Out AP buff from 20 to 25 4. Fixed negate Description in Battle 5. Fixed Negate not working properly Thrive Ability(from attack to buff) Hotfoot 25Ap ability on 1 lvl Mother Nature 9. Speed Hack Detector(3Detections = Permanent Ban) Bug with double Faint bug with strange sand on many areas ap from 7 to 20 Boss name narrator name display delay has been decreased by 75%(from to ) bug(miscripedia doesn’t display duals) can be opened in battle, only in WILD battles bug with server not connected not displayed in login menu become visible in Miscripedia only if you met them in Wild 20. Rarity display added to Miscripedia Bug with 0% Epic,Exotic chance Server perfomance Version to miscrit searching func, now you can meet “No luck bro“ but it will be fixed with time mansion Background Floor 1,2 you must have 30lvls and full health 4 Miscrits to Enter Arena(THATS PLATINUM ARENA, HERE ALSO WILL BE DEFAULT ARENA WITH ANY LEVEL ACCESS) 27. Healing not in church costs 20 now, but in church only 10 wrong select area on some objects in mansion bug with Church Pastor Bug with 0HP after healing wrong text in arena most of negates enchant restores 10HP Balance changes: base accuracy now 40%, enchant 10%, Complete Confuse,Sleep now 35%,enchant 5curacy, imunnity after such things increases by 1 turn automatically scrolls saving history even after reopening game displays level display red notice when new messages here 38. Some miscrits characteristics have been changed
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