Chinese Emperor KNEW Jesus was being Crucified - AS IT HAPPENED? Let’s vet this claim!

I’ve been seeing this story make the rounds and thought we should dig deeper to see if there is any validity to it. I found biases and interesting perspectives that create no distinction at all between God the father and son, but Guang Wu may have been on to something here. #china #christianity #mythology Please tithe to our narrative apologetics ministry after prayer and certainty that you should. All links here. Digital options Paypal Venmo @Nicholas-Garrett-17 Cashapp $EvangelistNickG New Christian History of the Church - A conspiracy uncovered in the early church – Two Eusebius’ – Part 1- Part II - What exactly is the gospel and why do I need it? - Our Primary Website to reach us and learn more about our ministry “Narrative Apologetics for the p
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