Jacob(张朋) - 《 奇幻世界 LOVE NIGHT 》 Music Video

Jacob(张朋) - 《 奇幻世界 LOVE NIGHT 》 Music Video Listen on iTunes : Spotify : *VAV Official fancafe *VAV Official facebook *VAV Official twitter *VAV Official Instagram *VAV Official weibo *VAV Official site *A team JACOB [奇幻世界 (Love Night)] VAV member Jacob releases a digital single [奇幻世界 (Love Night)], successfully presenting his potentials as a solo artist. [奇幻世界 (Love Night)] is a fast tempo dance number based on the deep-house EDM accentuating with warmly refined melodies on top of meticulously constructed bass & beats. Also, the song is perfected with the po
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