Federico Martello (Федерико Мартелло) at ну-ка,все вместе & All Together Now

Hello, Priviet, Ciao My name is Federico Martello, and I’m from Bergamo – Italy I’m a pop singer, even if my studies range from opera to jazz. I have sung all over the world, from the USA to Gibraltar, from Poland to Russia (in Siberia too) and of course Italy . One year ago I took part at the Russia 1 tv show NUKA VSE VMESTE and the same show in Italy. I’m a member of Disability Arts International and in October 2020 I received the third degree for the international artistic achievements from Filantrop Foundation of Moscow with the support of the Government of Russian Federation and All Russian Society of Disabled People. Фоновая музыка “Non Esiste il Destino“ Федерико Мартелло Благодаря Мар
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