Q&A Chapters :
00:00 Could you please expand on how Nabi Musa (as) is kalimullah (the one who speaks to Allah (AJ)) thinking he spoke with Prophet ﷺ but awliyaullah (saints) of Prophet ﷺ are always speaking with Prophet ﷺ, are they all kalimullah?
09:54 What was the time Sayyidina Muhammad’s ﷺ portal opened for Sayyidina Sulaiman (as)?
14:17 With this teaching the whole shafa’ah (intercession) part makes so much sense, so that Prophet ﷺ purifies all our ‘amal (action) and presents it to Allah (AJ) and how loving them would intercede for us.
18:51 How does the reality of TaSeen apply in our daily life?
27:10 What is the reality of 2 and 7?
32:15 With layers of filtration before our actions are presented to Prophet ﷺ, what is the importance of the effort we put in from ourselves?
34:46 How do we help friends or fellow humanity who are possessed by shayateen (devils) and jinn (unseen beings)?
Recorded : 20230922
The Muh
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