【Hearth Tech#159】How does Oh My Yogg interact with spells cost more than 10?
Tested in Patch
One Spells transformed by Oh My Yogg choose 3 times
, Master of Fate’s card text is misleading after your spell is countered
Faire Game & Sanctuary don’t trigger at the same time
stops its validity check at the end of opponent’s turn
5.C’Thun doesn’t break into pieces if drawn by Small Backpacks
does Felsteel Executioner interact with self-destroying enchantments?
does Oh My Yogg interact with spells cost more than 10?
1 year ago 00:03:07 1
Sad Guitar Hip-Hop-Drama King( Fun)
4 years ago 00:06:42 844
【Hearth Tech#159】How does Oh My Yogg interact with spells cost more than 10?