Triumph TR7 - The Face of Failure

Howdy doody! :D Another car I’ve been eager to detail for a very long time, the Triumph TR7, and its TR8 derivative, were cars which could have been real winners had British Leyland’s obsession with winning over the US market not blinded them to this machine’s many severe built and design faults, resulting in a machine that encompassed everything that was wrong with the nationalised car maker, and in so doing helping to finish off the famous British sports car. All video content and images in this production have been provided with permission wherever possible. While I endeavour to ensure all accreditations properly name the original creator, some of my sources do not list them as they are usually provided by other, unrelated YouTubers. Therefore, if I have mistakenly put the accreditation of ’Unknown’, and you are aware of the original creator, please send me a personal message at my Gmail (this is more effective than comments as I am often unable to read all of the
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