FLO - Check

Stream ’Check’ here: ✅ Sign up to FLO’s mailing list: Https:// Check out our store: Follow FLO: Instagram - TikTok - @flolikethis X - Facebook - Snapchat - CREDITS: LABEL: ISLAND RECORDS Director of Artist Development: Hannah Colson @hannah7mae Commissioner: Dan Curwin @dancurwin Marketing: Severine Fothergill @severeeen Audience: Sweeney Emanuel BTS: Marshall Lawrence @takenbymarshall Marketing Coordinator: Joe Silver @ MANAGEMENT: UROK MANAGEMENT Manager: Sam Eldridge @sameldridge1981 Management: Annabelle Scott-Curry @annabellescottcurry Management: Suzy Bahlo Socials: Tiffani...e Alice PA: Lola Palmer Director: Troy Roscoe @troyroscoe Exec Producer /
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