Hannah Juanita - Call Yourself My Man OFFICIAL

Hannah Juanita is based in Nashville, TN. ’Call Yourself My Man’ is the 2nd single from her upcoming full length record. Find this song on all streaming platforms March 26, 2021, along with her 1st single ’Our Love is Done’. Producer/Writer: Hannah Juanita Directors: Hannah Juanita & Michelle Kowalski Cinematographer: Michelle Kowalski Editor: Drew Stubbs Color Correction: Michelle Kowalski Art Directors: Hannah Juanita & Bekah Raye Cope Production Assisstant: Bessie Dennie Liquid Light Production: Darling Lucifer Productions Killer Kowalski Productions Cast: Hannah Juanita Dustin Bothwell Katrina Rickman Sierra Braden Andrea Colburn Cassidy Snider Helena Green Loretta the dog Band: Mose Wilson- electric guitar (video & recording) Neil Jones- pedal steel (video & recording) Katie Blomarz- bass (video) Chris Weisbecker- drums (video & recording) Geoff Henderson- bass (recording)
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