Fantastic Duo 판타스틱 듀오 EP09 20160612 SBS
연기자로 이름을 떨치고 있는 김민종이 11년 만에 가수로써 무대에 올라 감동을 자아냈다.
“Shall we sing a song together?”
What if you can received a love call from the top singers in Korea?
Anyone who has a smart phone can sing duet songs with Korea’s top singers in “Fantastic Duo”! Incredible collaboration and Amazing duet performances of singers and their fans starts here.
SBS Mucis Show ‘Singers in My Hands - Fantastic Duo’ to be aired for the first time on April 17 2016 and it aris on every Sunday
1 year ago 00:23:55 1
[비밀의문] "쏘아진 화살이라 별 수 없는 것이옵니까?" 이선의 위태로운 행보를 걱정하는 혜경궁 홍씨 | 15화