Official music video for “Faoi Thalamh“ off the sixth Sonus Mortis album “Collapse The Mountain“. Release date 1st December 2022.
Mixed and mastered at Trackmix Studios.
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Country: Ireland
Artist: Sonus Mortis
Song Title: Faoi Thalamh
Album: Collapse The Mountain
Track: 4
Release Date: 1st December 2022
Hail the centuries of bloody rapture.
Conquering cosmic collisions, collapsing stars.
Souls enslaved by Golgotha phantoms.
Tonight is full of fury and divine rage with demigods unleashed.
Humanity’s grip on this world is fadin
...g fast.
And primordial Earth has returned at last.
We’ll build again from the ashes of the past.
Come along and join us, we’re living underground!
No bitterness, no more lies!
Imagine the destruction of all the things that you desShow more