Yup. Third Part. Same Description as Part 1.
2400s: As Stated in the last video, A New Century came for humanity, giving of prosperity and new music to explore
2450-2700: Neo Trance, Neo Techno and Space Ambient, Are Very Popular, Due to Huge Space Exploration Missions and In General.
2750-3000: Neo Breakcore Dominates the Scene, as Technology starts to Progress Extremely fast, Making Music again Losing Rhythm.
3100-3300: Neo Industrial Techno, and Neo Hardcore, Begin To Emerge, Due To Extreme Progress On Technology
3400-3700: The Reign Of Neo Hardcore. Technological Progress Is Lu
...dicrously Fast, Killing the Calmer Music Temporary
3800-3900: Melodic and Ambient Techno Befome Popular, Due To The Tiredness of Harsh and Distorted sounds, Also Technology Continues to Advance ludicrously.
4000-4250: Calm Music Becomes Popular. Space Ambient and Galactic House Are Pushed on
4500-4750: Neo Techno and Weird Music Take The Spot From Ambient in this period (Weird Music Will DominaShow more